Dig into Bergen – the place to host the World Tunnel Congress
To provide full-blown PCO services for;
1700 delegates with online registration platforms
700 abstracts – Full Abstract & Papers management
200 scientific posters, 700 rooms – Housing, 6500 sq meter Exhibition, 4 Pre, post technical tour, 6 technical site visits during the congress, Multiple daily spouse cultural excursions, and Social events during the congress over 6 nights.
As the appointed PCO First United also delivered technical services onsite as well as advisory, budgeting and post event audited financial statements.
Logistic Requirements
This is one of the most complex congress series to organise as a PCO, as it implies planning and executing a congress with 5 parallel sessions, 20 breakout rooms, 200 meters of poster walls, 130 exhibitors, (3500 sqm indoor, 2000 sqm outdoor), coach excursions to technical sites (tunnel, road, underground space projects) oil refineries and water treatment facilities.
Contractors, Engineers and Academics from more than 50 nations around the globe come together once a year in different locations and has done so since the early 1970s under the umbrally of the International Tunneling and Underground Space Association (ITA). In June 2017 they all came to the city of Bergen for a week long congress.
The extensive program of the congress can be found on here. As the Appointed PCO, it was First United Norway’s full responsibility to secure a smooth execution of this signature congress.
The ITA president, Tarcisio Celestino of Brazil was quoted in the press saying that this was ‘State of the Art” and “crème de la crème” of congress planning and execution, saying that this WTC congress in Bergen was “one of the top 3 of all times”
This article can be viewed here. One of the world’s leading trade magazines, UK based Tunnel Talk, issued a detailed day-to-day congress report article, where they wrote:
..” It was a wonderful Congress. The mood was relaxed and friendly and helpful. This mood was underpinned by the efficient and well-prepared management of the event by the team of organisers ..” and ..”We at TunnelTalk look forward to meeting all our ITA friends and colleagues in Dubai next year and leave Bergen with a thank you to the support we received especially from First United and the ITA media relations department..” The entire artcicle including a video from the event can be viewed here:
First United Norway was awarded an honorabla membership of the Norwegian Tunelling Association in appreciation of the success of this congress management.
Client: International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association.